A Stable Home, A Stable Future: The Power of Cash Assistance
Thaliana . Thaliana .

A Stable Home, A Stable Future: The Power of Cash Assistance

Imagine having a safe, stable place to call your own, without constantly stressing over money. Cash assistance could give young adults that freedom. With more financial flexibility, finding a place to stay wouldn’t feel like an impossible task. Instead of being stuck in outdated programs, cash assistance provides a direct, easy way to secure a stable home.

By Arlenny Ramirez

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Listen to Us: Young People Know What They Need !!!
Thaliana . Thaliana .

Listen to Us: Young People Know What They Need !!!

While preparing to speak at BAY-CASH’s legislative brief in the Massachusetts State House, T.P. reflected on her own lived experiences as a young adult. She highlighted the challenges within the state’s system and how it continues to overlook young people. Unlike traditional programs, BAY-CASH offers a new solution: providing young adults $1,200/month with no restrictions, giving youth the autonomy and stability they deserve!

By T.P

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